Upgrading kohana to koseven

Upgrading from Kohana

If you were using 3.3.x version, there are 4 breaking changes that may affect you, be aware.

  • Kohana_Kohana_Exception, all functions that received parameter Exception $e have been replaced to just $e. If you are extending the class verify you have the same.
  • Kohana_URL, now function site has a new parameter $subdomain = NULL, if you are extending the class and this function add it.
  • Module encrypt, now encryption works as a module, if you are using new Encrypt or similar you need to enable the module in your bootstrap ex: 'encrypt' => MODPATH.'encrypt',
  • MySQL driver has been removed. If you are still using it, please install MySQLi driver and then edit your config/database.php and then set as 'type' => 'MySQLi'

New modules included

  • Encrypt (separated from system)
  • Pagination
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